First, I got my motorcycle endorsement. That’s great, but really overshadowed by the fact that I
Got my first motorcycle. I bought a 2011 BMW G650gs. It’s white. I’ve tracked about 4,000 miles on it this year. Not a ton, but certainly more than last year!
I’ve had some interesting work challenges. The company I work for had two people above me in the org chart last year: the owner and one other guy. That other guy is now gone, and I am the number 2 guy. It’s made my life busier, certainly, but it is a positive thing overall.
I’ve also traded for my second motorcycle. It’s less exciting, right now, than the GS is, but that may change. It is a 1998 Honda CBR600, and it is not in great shape. It is going to take a lot of cleaning and rebuilding to get everything to work, and make it legal. Should be fun! (This is going to end up being my winter project, I think.)
I’ve decided to start the long, laborious process of quiting smoking. I am going to do this slowly, so I can try to keep calm and sane.
I ended up buying a scout rifle. I went with the Ruger GunSite Scout. Chambered in .308, it is a great rifle. Kicks like a fucking mule.
I am thinking that this year I am going to end up getting myself an XDS stainless 3.3. We shall see!